December 1, 2008

Winter Officially Started

Today is the first day of December and from now in the northern parts of the world winter has officially started according to the meteorologists. Here in Hungary (at least at Budapest and the area) we celebrated the start of wintertime with a huge amount of warm rain, that made the only remaining snow disappear as well.
Till snow and ice return and we can build the first snowmen, here is my Seasons Wall Hanging Set’s “Winter” piece for you.

I still haven’t found the right frame for “Spring”. So I better hurry up if I want to show it to you guys on the first day of Spring (it is officially on first of March isn’t), since I have got only three months left.
I was thinking about making the blog get some winter style look as well, but I have realized it’s enough that it’s cold outside, better keep the inside warm. Remain the glowing leaves like the flames inside the fireplace.


Messzenéző Minyon said...

Oh, this Winter piece is beautiful but to tell the truth I wait your spring piece very much! :)))

Kata said...

Nagyon tetszik a legújabb alkotásod is!!!!!!! :)

Patchwork Mill, Maria said...

Köszönöm szépen!
Igazság szerint ez egy régebbi darab, de olyan jól ideillett a tél kezdetére! Az Őszt már megmutattam korábban, a Nyár is készen van már, csak a Tavaszhoz keresem még mindig a megfelelő anyagot a kerethez.

Patchwork Mill, Maria said...

Thanks, Minyike, it's just 3 months!

Karen said...

I really like your winter wall hanging and also love the look of your blog. It is very warm. Yes, like flames in the fireplace.

Unknown said...

I agree with Karen and Kata, this is a beautiful winter piece and I also love the warm look and feel of your blog. What a talented artist you are!