October 25, 2008

My blog

I think it is quite an undertaking to start and then operate a good blog. After you open it there is the first impression, then a good blog should be pretty and be well arranged, and finally it comes the main point: it should be filled up with content which is important for me and what is more interesting and could be useful for others.
I make quilts and this is my work and my hobby as well. So I will write mainly about quilts in my blog. I work at home so naturally my posts will inevitably contain materials of our family, our building the house, cooking and every similar “delicacies”. Just as it should be.
I would like to record memories concerning some special fabrics – before they are lost forever. Maybe you agree with me that quilting is this kind of interesting thing. The movie “How to Make an American Quilt” is full of little episodes in which the quilters remember important events of their life, or just a moment, or a smile in the sunshine based on small pieces of fabrics. I found this really memorable photo from it.

I also have many fabrics that remind me of great memories such as a delightful city, a chance meeting or laughing together with a lovely assistant in a nice fabric shop.
I am Hungarian, so English is not my mother tongue. I am trying very hard to write in a decent way in English, with the least possible mistakes. I can not achieve that constantly though, so please be patient. I hope you will be able to understand what I am trying to say.


Messzenéző Minyon said...

Hello Maria!
I just found your blog now. I'm also Hungarian but my English is much poorer than yours. Bot your blog seems like fantastic! Good luck!

Patchwork Mill, Maria said...

Dear Minyike!

Welcome here and thank you for your kind words. As a Hungarian too, I think your English is all right. :)


Messzenéző Minyon said...

I've never understood the reason how can two Hungarian people correspond in English language. Now I see...